Orçun Horozoğlu
Lawyer - Founding Member
Orçun Horozoğlu / Lawyer– Foundıng Member

Born in 1984, Orçun Horozoğlu, completed middle and high school  at what was formerly known as the Kadıköy Maarif College, presently named Kadıköy Anatolian High School. After his graduation from İstanbul University Law School in 2007, he completed his master’s degree in the department of Special (Proprietary? Personal? Ad Hoc?) Law  in 2010. His thesis on the “De Jure Rejection of Inheritance” has been accepted and published. He took part in the Dispute Resolution on Civil Law program in University of London City Law School while studying for his degree. In the PhD program he started in the same department in 2011, he completed his qualification exams and is currently writing his thesis on (Obligations? Contracts and Torts?) Law.

Horozoğlu who has been working for his private practice since 2008, continues to pursue academic interests and research. His articles on inheritance and contracts and torts law were published in several international and national journals while he was conducting his graduate and doctorate studies. He has presented in the tribute conference for Prof Dr. İsmet Sungurbey from the Istanbul Bar Association, on the topic of “Conference on the General Provisions of Contracts and Torts Law”. This presentation was later published in the conference book and has receved an award for the same. Between 2012 – 2014 he made a program for TV named “Ask Your Lawyer” and advised people on their legal problems. Lastly, he has a new monograph called “Unexpected situations and Hardship during Urban Transformations Regarding Construction Agreements in Return for Land Share”  and a book called “Reflections of Overtime in Labor Law on Different Professions” he is still working on.

Horozoğlu, presently working with his spouse Burçak Horozoğlu in the Horozoğlu Law Offices, also works as an expert for the Istanbul Courts Justice Division and works with new graduates not only to provide them with an internship opportunity but for the mutual learning experience it provides.