Kurtul Erkmen
Architect - Founding Member
Kurtul Erkmen / Archıtect – Foundıng Member

Erkmen, born in 1961 in İstanbul, graduated from İstanbul All-Male High School in 1978. The same year, he started his studies in İstanbul State Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, known as Mimar Sinan University since 1982.

In 1980, he started working for TG Construction LLC he formed with master architects Şemi Erkmen and Lemi Erkmen.

Erkmen, graduating from Mimar Sinan University Department of Architecture as a master architect in 1983, established his own practice, KG Architecture LLC., in 1990. This company was followed by KGROM Architecture established in Bucharest, Romania in 1999 and ErmasKG Architecture in Almaty Kazakhstan founded in 2007.

He provides various architectural and interior design and implementation services through his companies and sustains a continued involvement in the architectural sector through project instruction in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Faculty of Architecture, as a jury member in several award evaluations, participating as lecturer or moderator in several conferences and symposia and also as a board member in İstanbul Future Culture and Arts Foundation.

Currently he works for the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architectural History as a lecturer. He is also actively involved in several sports branches and continues to compete in taekwondo as a black belt.