The Academy’s program is comprehensive, rigorous, and tailored to individual researchers with varying backgrounds, interests, and experience. The semester focuses on history, theory, and analysis in architecture and urban design, and emphasizes the exploration of architecture as a mode of cultural production.
The program consists of three main parts.

The first and the main part of the program is the research based design studio.

The second part is a series of seminars. They are about different topics each semester and supportive of the design studio. The seminars cover two main areas, historical/theoretical and technical/procedural.

Admission is open to all graduates, aiming academic or professional carrier and interested in furthering their education through a program of individual study in architecture and urban design.
AURA Istanbul

Istanbul Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy, is aware of the complex global problems creating stress over cities worldwide and especially over Istanbul. To understand and alleviate these problems, AURA-İstanbul believes different disciplines need to work together. To ensure this much-needed cooperation, AURA-Istanbul Academy was established as a non-profit organization to operate on a global scale. One of its major goals is to prepare graduates of related fields for their academic and professional careers through its certification program. The other objective is to contribute to a future Istanbul database through research and design projects created at the Academy.