AURA Suare: Lesley Lokko “All Must Fall”
AURA-İstanbul’un mezunlarını ve tüm dostlarını davet ettiği özel etkinlik serisi, AURA Suare devam ediyor. 2019 Bahar Döneminde, Mart ayının konuğu, Johannesburg Üniversitesi, Graduate School of Architecture Direktörü, Profesör Lesley Lokko!
Following the 2015 & 2016 student protests in South Africa, which saw the terms ‘transformation’ and ‘decolonisation’ enter everyday usage in tertiary education, a new and exciting space has opened up in African architectural education. The lecture follows the setting up of the Graduate School of Architecture (GSA) at the University of Johannesburg, a decade-old institutional merger between an all-white Afrikaans-speaking university and an all-black technical college. The adoption of the Architectural Association’s legendary unit system has yielded unexpectedly transformational results in a context far removed from its original 1970s London setting. Unit System Africa is now in its third year and, as its recent accreditation visit panel agreed, ‘[has created] a space for black students to find their voice.’
Lesley Lokko
Lesley Lokko is a full professor of architecture and Director at the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg. She holds a PhD from the University of London and is the author of eleven best-selling novels (none of which have anything to do with architecture).