AURA Suare: Shulamıt Brucksteın “How to Buıld a House From Letters”
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“How to Buıld a House From Letters”
Shulamit Bruckstein shares material from her artistic, theoretical, and curatorial practice – how to “build a house made all from letters.” She develops an epistemic architecture indebted to the ancient rabbis, and to medieval mysticism, but also to 20th century giants such as art historian Aby Warburg, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, and a number of female theorists such as Luce Irigaray and Hélène Cixous. Bruckstein will share and discuss a visual narrative from her recent exhibition works.
Shulamıt Brucksteın
Shulamit Bruckstein is a thinker, curator, theory-artist, and art critic. She is the author of House of Taswir – Doing and Un-Doing Things. Notes on Epistemic Architecture(s) (2014, and the founder of House of Taswir, a collaborative platform for artistic research and diasporic thinking. She held various professorships in philosophy and cultural theory in Berlin, Jerusalem, and Basel. Currently, her exhibition “Wednesday Society. The Couch of Meret O.” shows at Artam Antik Palace in Istanbul, with artists Meret Oppenheim, Rebecca Horn, Natela Iankoshvili, Tony Chakar, and Gülcin Aksoy.
Moderator: Sinan Niyazioğlu
Graphic design historian, visual archive specialist of printed media. He is Professor at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Graphic Design and the director of Graphic Design Research Centre.
As gues lecturer, he has taught at Vienna State Fine Arts Academy, Burg Giebichenstein Halle Design Faculty, Hochschule Augsburg Design Faculty.
He has been member of the scientific committee of ICDHS: International Symposiums on Design History and Design Studies, Averio in 2014, Taipei in 2016 and Barcelona in 2018. He has comparitive publications and curatorial exhibitions on visual propaganda and comparitive Modernisms of the 1930’s Turkey, Balkans and Europe. Sinan Niyazioğlu is also a member of Design History Society in UK.
Image: House of Taswir, “Wednesday Society. The Couch of Meret O.”,
Artam Antik Palace with works by Meret Oppenheim, Rebecca Horn, Natela Iankoshvili, Tony Chakar, Gülcin Aksoy.
September – October, 2019
Photo: Hanna Lehun, courtesy House of Taswir