Cumartesi Aurası: Lesley Lokko “Burning Down the House”
9 Ocak tarihli Cumartesi Aurası konferansı, mimar, akademisyen ve yazar Profesör Lesley Lokko’yu ağırlıyor…
2021 yılında Cumartesi Aurası disiplinler arası konferans dizisinin ilk konuğu mimar, akademisyen ve yazar Profesör Lesley Lokko! Konferans, Covid-19 pandemisi ve Black Lives Matter protestolarının ardından, ırk, kimlik ve cinsiyet konularını farklı şekillerde ele alan öğrenci projelerini inceleyecek.
Etkinlik dili İngilizce’dir ve Türkçe simultane çeviri yapılacaktır. Pekdemir (Yapı, Mimarlık, Proje) sponsorluğunda gerçekleşen etkinliğe katılım herkese açık ve ücretsizdir. Eventbrite üzerinden kayıt olan katılımcılara Zoom oturum linki, e-posta yoluyla iletilecektir. Etkinlik, AURA İstanbul YouTube kanalından canlı olarak da yayınlanacaktır.
Kayıt olmak için tıklayın.
The first AURA on Saturday Conference in 2021 will host architect, academic and author Professor Lesley Lokko. The lecture will explore a number of student projects that tackle issues of race, identity and gender in diverse and often divergent ways.
Sponsored by Pekdemir (Construction, Architecture, Project), the conference will be held in English and simultaneous Turkish translation will be provided. Attendance is free of charge with a registration at eventbrite. Zoom session link will be sent to the participants via e-mail.
©️ Sashien Singh, GSA 2019
Burning Down the House
“2020 was a global annus horribilis, a year in which the word ‘unprecedented’ gained worldwide notoriety. The global COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests put issues of health, equity, justice and design firmly on the proverbial map, yet architectural education was largely caught off-guard. Post-events, schools across the world rushed to proclaim their credentials but the deep, difficult work of articulating why and how such issues matter is still largely unresolved. This 45-minute lecture will explore a number of student projects that tackle issues of race, identity and gender in diverse and often divergent ways. “
Lesley Lokko
Lesley Lokko trained as an architect at the Bartlett School of Architecture and holds a PhD in Architecture from the same institution. She was the founder and director of the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg from 2014 — 2019. She recently resigned from her position as Dean of Architecture at the Spitzer School of Architecture, CCNY, and is now engaged in building the African Futures Institute, an independent postgraduate school of architecture and events space in Accra, Ghana. In 2021, she will hold visiting professorships at The Cooper Union, University of Virginia and Yale University. She is the editor of White Papers, Black Marks: Race, Culture, Architecture (University of Minnesota Press, 2000); editor-in-chief of FOLIO: Journal of Contemporary African Architecture. She is also a series editor of the Design Research in Architecture (UCL Press), together with founders Jonathan Hill and Murray Fraser. In 2004, she made the successful transition from academic to novelist with the publication of her first novel, Sundowners (Orion 2004), a UK-Guardian top forty best-seller, and has since then followed with eleven further best-sellers, which have been translated into fifteen languages, including Turkish. She has lectured and published widely on the subject of race, identity and architecture, and has served on many international juries and awards over the past decade, including the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Archiprix, the RIBA President’s Medals, Archmarathon and the Venice Biennale.
Cumartesi Aurası nedir?
Cumartesi Aurası, AURA İstanbul Mimarlık ve Şehircilik Araştırmaları Akademisi’nin sertifika programı dahilinde düzenlenen disiplinlerarası nitelikteki konferans dizisidir. Mimarlık, şehircilik, sanat, teknoloji, felsefe dallarında tartışma, buluşma ve farkındalık ortamı oluşturmayı hedefler.