Cumartesi Aurası: Juhani Pallasmaa & Hüseyin Yanar “Art in Architecture”
AURA İstanbul, 23 Ekim tarihli Güz’21 Dönemi açılış konferansında Juhani Pallasmaa ve Hüseyin Yanar’ı ağırlıyor…
İstanbul Mimarlık ve Şehircilik Araştırmaları Akademisi – AURA İstanbul tarafından, 2017 yılından itibaren düzenli olarak organize edilen disiplinlerarası konferans dizisi, Cumartesi Aurası; 2021 yılı Güz Dönemi Sertifika Programı’nın açılış etkinliğinde Finlandiyalı mimar, yazar, emekli profesör Juhani Pallasmaa ve mimar, yazar Hüseyin Yanar’ı ağırlıyor.
“Mimarlıkta Sanat: İtiraf, Sezgi, Deneyim, Yaşam” başlıklı dijital konferans, 23 Ekim Cumartesi günü saat 16.00’da Zoom platformunda düzenlenecek.
Stoneline desteğiyle gerçekleşen etkinliğe katılım herkese açık ve ücretsiz olacak. Söyleşi dilinin İngilizce olduğu etkinlikte Türkçe simultane çeviri de mevcut olacak. Eventbrite üzerinden kayıt olan katılımcılara Zoom oturum linki e-posta yoluyla iletilecek.
???? 23 Ekim Cumartesi
⏰ 16.00-18.00 (UTC+3)
???? Zoom
Kayıt için tıklayın.
The opening conference of the “AURA on Saturday” series in 2021 Fall Semester will host architect, professor emeritus, writer Juhani Pallasmaa and architect, writer Hüseyin Yanar.
The talk between two professionals will focus on “Art in Architecture: Confession, Intuition, Experience, Life”.
Sponsored by Stoneline, the conference will be held in English, and simultaneous Turkish translation will be provided. Attendance is free of charge with the registration at Eventbrite. Zoom session link will be sent to the participants via e-mail.
Juhani Pallasmaa
Juhani Pallasmaa (b. 1936), architect, professor emeritus, writer, Helsinki. Practiced design in 1983-2012 through his office in Helsinki. Held positions as Rector of the Institute of Industrial Design Helsinki, Director of the Museum of Finnish Architecture, and Professor and Dean of the School of Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, and several visiting professorships in the USA, and taught and lectured in numerous universities in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Member of the Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury 2008-2014.
Pallasmaa has published 60 books and 800 essays, articles and prefaces, and his writings have been translated into 36 languages. His widely known books include: The Embodied Image, The Thinking Hand, The Architecture of Image: existential space in cinema, and The Eyes of the Skin.
He is an honorary member of SAFA, AIA and RIBA, Academician of the International Academy of Architecture, and has received numerous Finnish and international awards and six Honorary Doctorates.
Hüseyin Yanar
Hüseyin Yanar graduated with high honours from the Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul (MSGSÜ). He finalized his Ph.D on “Rhythm and Rhythmic Volumetry” in Architecture and taught at the same institution. His journey at Oxford Brookes University started with his MPhil thesis on “Rhythmic Patterns” where he directed design studios and gave lectures. Later, he joined Tampere University, Aalto University and Fine Arts Academy in Finland. Yanar wrote one of the three invited articles in the book of Finnish Architectural Biennale 2010/2011. He participated in the exhibition “Istanbul Stream and Bridges” at the Fine Arts Academy of Finland in 2012. Later, Yanar was invited to Dong-Eui University of South Korea as Associate Professor in 2013-14. In the exhibition of “Two Paths to Silence” together with photographer Jussi Tiainen, his texts were exhibited at the Museum of Finnish Architecture in 2014. Yanar also took part in Tallinn Architecture Biennale in 2015. His book, “Portraits” which has an introductory from Juhani Pallasmaa, was published in 2011, and got one of the prizes of “The Most Beautiful Finnish Books 2011”. Now, he is finalizing his new book, “A Kingdom of Architecture and Beyond”. Recent years, Yanar has been teaching in “Urban Meditation” studios of Urban Planning Group, Faculty of Built Environment, Tampere University in Finland. He has awards, jury memberships, talks, exhibitions, critical articles, some built projects and has also a studio named Orpheus North.
Yanar has lived, taught in four different countries and learned from four different cultures. He believes that there are many architectures, not only one. He also thinks that it is better to forget architecture and go out of it as much as possible and come back powerfully to see everything with a new, fresh and critical eye.
Cumartesi Aurası
Cumartesi Aurası, İstanbul Mimarlık ve Şehircilik Araştırmaları Akademisi – AURA İstanbul’un Sertifika Programı kapsamında, program katılımcılarına yönelik düzenlenen disiplinler arası nitelikteki konferans dizisidir. Mimarlık, şehircilik, sanat, edebiyat, teknoloji ve felsefe dallarında tartışma, buluşma ve farkındalık ortamı oluşturmayı hedefler.
2017 yılından bugüne herkesin katılımına açık ve ücretsiz olarak düzenlenen Cumartesi Aurası, 2020 yılı Nisan ayı itibariyle dijital platformlarda gerçekleşmektedir.
Cumartesi Aurası etkinlik arşivine ulaşmak ve AURA İstanbul Youtube kanalı üzerinden izlemek için tıklayın.
AURA on Saturdays
AURA on Saturdays is an interdisciplinary conference series within the certification program of the Istanbul Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy – AURA Istanbul. It aims to create an environment of discussion, gathering and exploration in architecture, urbanism, art, technology, literature and philosophy.
Visit AURA Istanbul YouTube channel for more information.